School Wellness Councils

What is a School Wellness Council?

A School Wellness Council is a group of students, their family members, school staff, and community members who work together and with the school administration to promote a healthy school community. Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy strongly encourages all schools to have a School Wellness Council. If you are part of a School Wellness Council, you will attend regular meetings at your school and help with:

  • Making sure the school provides high-quality physical education and health education
  • Making sure the school is following the NYCPS Citywide Wellness Policy
  • Starting clubs and organizing events that promote physical and social-emotional well-being
  • Creating school-level wellness policies and encouraging your school to follow them
  • Creating and maintaining school gardens
  • Promoting inclusivity and diversity
  • and more!

School Wellness Councils can help schools and students stay healthy and help connect people in the school community. Councils can also:

  • Encourage the school to teach lessons about health and safety, like how to wash your hands and wear a face mask properly
  • Promote activities that help students and families recover from trauma 

New for 2024-2025 

Check back soon for information about School Wellness Council funding and other opportunities for this school year.

NYCPS School Wellness Policy

Read Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy.

School Wellness Weekly

Sign up for School Wellness Weekly to get information about school-wellness-related grants, programs, tips, and news. The Office of School Wellness Programs publishes this e-newsletter monthly during the school year.

Join a School Wellness Council

Schools need diverse voices in order to understand what the school community needs and to decide what programs and policies will help keep their community healthy. If you want to join a School Wellness Council:

  1. Ask your parent coordinator if your school already has a wellness council. If so, contact the council leader (School Wellness Council Champion) to find out how to get involved.
  2. If your school does not have a wellness council, speak to your principal or the parent coordinator and let them know you are interested in starting one.
  3. For help, email the support team for your borough, listed below. Staff from the Office of School Wellness Programs can reach out to your school to help them start a council.