A student who lives in any of the following situations is considered in temporary housing under the McKinney-Vento Act:
- Doubled up (with friends or relatives because they cannot find or afford housing)
- A shelter or transitional shelter,
- A hotel/motel,
- A car, bus or train,
- A park or public place, or
- An abandoned building
This includes unaccompanied youth who do not have a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence. Unaccompanied youth are students not in the physical custody of their parent or legal guardian; this includes young people who
- have run away from home,
- have been kicked out of their homes, or
- have been abandoned by parents.
There is no age limit for unaccompanied youth, but these students are most often in their teens.
Student Rights
Under the McKinney-Vento Act, and Chancellor's Regulation A-780, a student in temporary housing has the right to:
- A free public education
- To stay in their current school or choose to attend a zoned school
- Not be denied immediate school enrollment because of their temporary housing status or they lack enrollment documentation
- Transportation services to and from school
- Continue to receive special education services regardless of school transfer Services comparable to those offered to other students
Complete the Housing Questionnaire and send it to your school to determine if your student is eligible to receive any of the support listed above.
Need help understanding your child's rights? Reach out to one of the contacts below:
- Look at the Parent's Guide to McKinney Vento Act for more information (translations included)
- For questions about educational rights, call the NYS-TEACHS toll-free hotline at 800-388-2014 or reach out to the DOE staff at your shelter facility
- For questions about special education services, call the Special Ed Hotline at 718-935-2007
- For questions about unaccompanied youth services, call DYCD Connect at 1-800-246-4646 or dial 311.
School Enrollment & Transfers
When choosing a school for your child, you can choose (based on seat availability):
- The last school your child was enrolled in; or
- Any school available to a child who lives in the same area
Students in temporary housing are not required to submit documentation (including address, proof of date of birth, and immunization records) in order to participate in any admission process or enroll in school.
If your child will be attending the same school, complete the Housing Questionnaire and send to your school to notify them of the change in address and housing status.
If your child is currently not enrolled in school, or you want to change your child's school, follow the instructions below based on what grade they are in.
Children 6 weeks to 2 years old
Students in temporary housing are eligible for EarlyLearn programs. Learn more information about enrolling in these programs by visiting the EarlyLearn website.
Preschool (3-K or Pre-K)
Students in temporary housing are eligible to enroll in 3-K and Pre-K programs. Please visit the 3-K and Pre-K pages for more information.
Elementary School (Grades K-5)
To enroll: You can enroll your child at the school where your family is zoned for elementary school. Please visit the Kindergarten page for more information on finding your school.
To transfer: You can transfer your child at the school where your family is zoned for elementary school. You can request a transfer at the school. Find your zoned school by typing in your current address into Find a School.
If you don’t have a zoned school or if you’d like to explore other options, contact a Family Welcome Center.
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
To enroll: You can enroll your child at the school where your family is zoned for middle school. Please visit the Middle School page for more information.
To transfer: You can transfer your child at the school where your family is zoned for middle school. You can request a transfer at the school. Find your zoned school by typing in your current address into Find a School.
High School (Grades 9-12)
To enroll: You can enroll your child at the high school nearest you or to a high school program across the city. The Family Welcome Center can help you understand your options. Please visit the High School page for more information.
To transfer: You can transfer your child to the high school nearest to you. The Family Welcome Center can help you understand your options.
Need help with charter schools, homeschooling, or other ways to graduate? Visit the DOE Enrollment webpage.
Need help with transferring your student to a new school? Contact the Family Welcome Center
Need help with enrollment? Contact the Family Welcome Center.
For transportation information for Students in Temporary Housing; view the following pages:
Transportation Rights
Transportation Eligibility
Transportation Guide for Families
Need help with transportation? Contact your child’s school or your STH Regional Manager for support.
Get Help
Every school has a school-based Students in Temporary Housing Liaison. Reach out to your school principal, social worker or guidance counselor to find out who the Liaison is for your school.
The School-based STH Liaison can help you with:
- Enrolling your child
- Understanding your transportation options
- Finding resources to support your child's education
Every district has a Regional Manager who makes sure schools are supporting students in temporary housing. Find the Regional Manager that supports your child’s school district below.
Regional Managers can help you with:
- Connecting with your child’s school
- Enrolling your child
- Understanding your transportation options
- Finding resources to support your child's education
Connect with a Regional Manager
Once you know your district, you can reach out to the person who works with it using the list below. You can also find a list of central staff for inquiries about capacity building, policy, partnerships or borough-based issues.
District 7
Cristine Figueroa
One Fordham Plaza
DOE Cell: 646-995-0299
Email: cfigueroa20@schools.nyc.gov
District 8
Jolyn Lisojo- Englenton
One Fordham Plaza
Desk Phone: 718-741-5266
DOE Cell: 929.286.8077
Email: jlisojo@schools.nyc.gov
District 9
Madeline Warden
One Fordham Plaza
Desk Phone: 718-741-8532
DOE Cell: 929-568-7560
Email: mwarden2@schools.nyc.gov
District 10
Stephanie Dyer
One Fordham Plaza
Desk Phone: 718-741-7783
DOE Cell: 6465842973
Email: sdyer@schools.nyc.gov
District 11
Cristine Figueroa
One Fordham Plaza
DOE Cell: 646-995-0299
Email: cfigueroa20@schools.nyc.gov
District 12
Bak Harris
One Fordham Plaza
Desk Phone; 718-741-8595
DOE Cell: 929-625-1481
Email: bharris6@schools.nyc.gov
Districts 1
Cecilio (Bo) Diaz
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone: 917-339-1698
DOE Cell: 929-429-6442
Email: cdiaz@schools.nyc.gov
Districts 2
Iris Gersten
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone: 917-339-1718
Email: igersten@schools.nyc.gov
Districts 3
Iris Gersten
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone:Cell: 917-339-1718
DOE Email: igersten@schools.nyc.gov
Districts 4
Cecilio (Bo) Diaz
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone:917-339-1698
DOE Cell: 929-429-6442
Email: cdiaz@schools.nyc.gov
Districts 5
D’Asia Woods
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone:212-330-9449
DOE Cell: 646-724-9984
Email: dwoods9@schools.nyc.gov
District 6
D’Asia Woods
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone:212-330-9449
DOE Cell: 646-724-9984
Email: dwoods9@schools.nyc.gov
District 13
Emily Mann
131 Livingston Street
Desk Phone: 718-935-5457
DOE Cell: 929-625-1470
Email: emann4@schools.nyc.gov
District 14
Charmaine Gaynor
1780 Ocean Avenue
Desk Phone: 718-935-3562
DOE Cell: 929-738-0143
Email: cgaynor@schools.nyc.gov
District 15
Charmaine Gaynor
1780 Ocean Avenue
Desk Phone: 718-935-3562
DOE Cell: 929-738-0143
Email: cgaynor@schools.nyc.gov
District 16
Emily Mann
131 Livingston Street
Desk Phone: 718-935-5457
DOE Cell: 929-625-1470
Email: emann4@schools.nyc.gov
District 17
Charmaine Gaynor
1780 Ocean Avenue
Desk Phone: 718-935-3562
DOE Cell: 929-738-0143
Email: cgaynor@schools.nyc.gov
District 18
Charmaine Gaynor
1780 Ocean Avenue
Desk Phone: 718-935-3562
DOE Cell: 929-738-0143
Email: cgaynor@schools.nyc.gov
District 19
Lucia Figueras
1780 Ocean Avenue
DOE Cell: 646-995-0121
Email: lfigueras@schools.nyc.gov
District 20
Lucia Figueras
1780 Ocean Avenue
DOE Cell: 646-995-0121
Email: lfigueras@schools.nyc.gov
District 21
Lucia Figueras
1780 Ocean Avenue
DOE Cell: 646-995-0121
Email: lfigueras@schools.nyc.gov
District 22
Lucia Figueras
1780 Ocean Avenue
DOE Cell: 646-995-0121
Email: lfigueras@schools.nyc.gov
District 23
Arian Halsey (Interim Acting Regional Manager)
131 Livingston Street
Desk Phone: 718-758-7722
DOE Cell: 347-587-9791
Email: ahalsey6@schools.nyc.gov
District 32
Lucia Figueras
1780 Ocean Avenue
DOE Cell: 646-995-0121
Email: lfigueras@schools.nyc.gov
District 24
D’Asia Woods
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone:212-330-9449
DOE Cell: 646-724-9984
Email: dwoods9@schools.nyc.gov
District 25
Cecilio (Bo) Diaz
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone:917-339-1698
DOE Cell: 929-429-6442
Email: cdiaz@schools.nyc.gov
District 26
Emily Mann
131 Livingston Street
Desk Phone: 719-935-5457
DOE Cell: 929-625-1470
Email: emann4@schools.nyc.gov
District 27
Emily Mann
131 Livingston Street
Desk Phone: 719-935-5457
DOE Cell: 929-625-1470
Email: emann4@schools.nyc.gov
District 28
Chalene Mitchell
178 Ocean Avenue
Desk Phone: 718-758-7722
DOE Cell: 347-587-9791
Email: CMitchell4@schools.nyc.gov
District 29
Emily Mann
131 Livingston Street
Desk Phone: 719-935-5457
DOE Cell: 929-625-1470
Email: emann4@schools.nyc.gov
District 30
Cecilio (Bo) Diaz
333 7th Avenue
Desk Phone:917-339-1698
DOE Cell: 929-429-6442
Email: cdiaz@schools.nyc.gov
Staten Island
District 31
Lucia Figueras
1780 Ocean Avenue
DOE Cell: 646-995-0121
Email: lfigueras@schools.nyc.gov
For General Inquiries
For all general inquiries related to support for students in temporary housing, contact STHinfo@schools.nyc.gov
Need more support than a general inquiry? Contact Your Regional Coordinator
If you need immediate assistance, please reach out to your district's Regional Coordinator listed below.
Bronx, Upper Manhattan (Districts 5-6) Regional Coordinator:
Dashawn Roberts, DRoberts13@schools.nyc.gov, (718) 828-2208
Manhattan (Districts 1-4), Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island Regional Coordinator:
Robin Joachim, rjoachim@schools.nyc.gov, (718) 758-7635
Need Help Students in Temporary Housing Director of Regional Support (Supervisor of Regional Managers)
Need Help from a Students in Temporary Housing Director of Regional Support (DRS)?
If you have an urgent concern or need additional support, the STH Director from your district is available to assist you. DRS supervise Regional Managers
Rakeyah Evans, Director of Regional Support
Borough; Bronx
DOE Cell: 646-945-5640
Email: RHameedevans@schools.nyc.gov
Charlene Mitchell, Director of Regional Support
Borough: Brooklyn, Queens,Staten Island
Desk Phone: 718-758-7722
DOE Cell: 347-587-9791
Email: CMitchell4@schools.nyc.gov
Arian Halsey, Director of Regional Support
Borough: Manhattan, Brooklyn District 23, Queens North
Desk Phone: 718-758-7722
DOE Cell: 347-587-9791
Email: AHalsey6@schools.nyc.gov
Central staff for inquiries about capacity building, policy, partnerships or borough-based issues.
Wayne Harris Senior, Director
Borough: Citywide
Desk Phone: 718-935-4652
DOE Cell: 917-239-0415
Email: wharris22@schools.nyc.gov
Rebekha Morris Director of Clinical Supports & Foster Care
Borough: Citywide
Desk Phone: 718-828-2644
DOE Cell: 917-951-9576
Email: raskew2@schools.nyc.gov
Corrine Christison, Director of Interagency Collaboration
Borough: Citywide
DOE Cell: 929-475-5482
Email: cchristison@schools.nyc.gov
Don't know your school district? Call 311 and ask for a representative. Tell them: You are looking for the school district; and where you are currently living.
Find out more
General Information
Student Resources
Family Resources
E.G. v. City of New York (WiFi Case): Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement
You or your child might be a member of a proposed settlement class if you or they are a student enrolled in any NYC public or non-public school, you live or lived in a shelter for families with children during the COVID-19 pandemic, and you had problems connecting to online remote school because you had problems with accessing the internet. Copies of the court-ordered notice and the proposed settlement are available on the E.G. v. City of New York (WiFi Case): Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement page.