In the next few months, more features will be added making this a true one stop for parent-facing information to support student learning.
You can sign up for an account by entering a few basic details. This will allow you to begin receiving notifications from the DOE. It only takes five minutes, and it is the first step in getting a full account.
NYCSA Mobile App
You can now download the NYC Schools Account mobile application in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Additional information about the application can be found at the NYCSA Mobile Application page.
Track your Student’s Academic Progress
Did you know that you can track your child’s education on any computer, phone, or tablet? In MyStudent, you can track your student’s academic progress. View their grades, schedule, test scores, transportation, attendance, and more! If your student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), you can view their student’s recommended services. You must be linked to a student in order to view this information. See the Adding Students section to learn how to link your student to your account.
NYCSA now allows you to submit digital versions of paper forms directly. Using technology powered by Docusign, you can fill out and sign a digital form that will be made immediately available to your school. You will no longer need to submit paper versions of these forms to your school. NYCSA currently hosts the following forms:
- Media Consent For NYC Department of Education Use
- Request to Identify Parents on Active Duty in the Armed Forces
- Special Education Recovery Services Form (for students with IEPs only)
- Digital Equity Family Questionnaire
- Student Ethnic and Race Identification Form
- Housing Questionnaire
- Military Recruitment Opt Out
More forms will be added soon!
Adding Students
You have to add students to the account in order to see more detailed information. Once you have done this, you can enjoy all the benefits your NYC Schools Account provides.
If you do not have a creation code, or the school did not send you a letter about NYCSA, you will have to register in-person or teleconference into a school. Use the Find a School tool to get your child’s school’s contact and location information.
- To register at school, bring a valid photo ID (like your passport, driver’s license, or IDNYC) and your child’s nine-digit student ID number, which can be found on your child’s report card.
- To register over teleconference, your child's school will verify you or your child's identity by voice or sight.
You can add other students to your account as well, using the same process as above.
Sharing Access
You can invite other adults—like relatives or a tutor—to see information about your child on NYCSA. Some of the information on NYCSA is private, so be careful about who you invite.
To invite someone to NYCSA, log into your account and click on the Manage User Access page, to send an invitation to that adult’s email address. They will be prompted to enter your child’s nine- digit student ID and an Account Creation Code.
From this page, you can control how much information other users are able to see. You can assign a user to one of three roles:
- Custodial users can see all information available about a child in your NYCSA account. Parents have this level when they register an account.
- Noncustodial users can only see part of the information available.
- Additional users can only see information the custodial user lets you see.
If you were invited to access a NYCSA account and suddenly see less information than you are used to, it means someone changed your role.
Resetting Student Passwords
How to Reset Your Child’s Password in NYCSA
You can reset your student password easily by following these instructions:
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Student Password.
- Select the child whose password you want to update.
- Enter a new password. Your password must:
- Contain between 8–32 characters.
- Contain at least one number (0–9).
- Contain at least one lowercase letter (a–z).
- Contain at least one uppercase letter (A–Z).
- Retype the new password.
- Click on Save.
- That’s it! Your password has been reset.
Contact Information
If you are a parent who lives with your child, or if you are a custodial guardian, you can update your own home, cell, and work phone numbers and email address of yourself or other additional adults on your child’s record in your NYC Schools Account, using the Emergency Contact page. You also have the option to update your preferred written or spoken language.
You can also update your child’s health information to share with your child’s school. This includes your child’s physician name and phone number, any known diagnoses, allergies, limitations that may limit physical activity, and health insurance status.
You can also add additional emergency contacts to your student’s record within NYCSA. You can provide information for a grandparent, sibling, a relative like an aunt or uncle, and non-relative such as a tutor to be added in case of emergencies. You can also select if they are authorized to pick up your child from school.
The cell phone number you provide will be used by the DOE to contact you directly in the event of an emergency. We recommend reaching out to your child’s school to confirm that their records reflect your updated contact information and preferences.
When you sign in to your NYCSA account, you will see a pop-up message reminding you to update your emergency contact information. You may click Update Now to go directly to the Emergency Contact page. Once completed, select “Verified” at the top of the page.
If you need to update your home address, update siblings on your child’s record, or update order of protection information, you must contact your school directly to make the change(s), as this feature is not yet available.
Bullying Reporting
Report an incident
If your child is a target of bullying, report the incident to your school’s Respect for All liaison. Use the Bullying Portal feature to report incidents of student-to-student discrimination, intimidation, and harassment. Please see the Fostering Anti-Bullying Practices page to learn more.
Grades, Attendance, and Messaging Family Guide
The DOE Grades application is an electronic gradebook for teachers.
- Teachers can create and grade assignments while maintaining all data fully secure and within the DOE.
- Teachers can import assignments from our school’s Learning Management System, [iLearn/Google Classroom], meaning that teachers will not have to do duplicate data entry.
- Students can see assignments and assignment-level grades from the DOE Grades application in TeachHub.
- For schools using the DOE Grades application, parents can see assignments and assignment-level grades in the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal.
DOE Attendance is an electronic attendance tool.
- Families already have access to their child’s attendance in NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal.
- Teachers and school administrators will be able to quickly and securely update student attendance throughout the day.
The new DOE Messaging application offers multiple methods for outreach to families, such as voice calls, emails, and SMS texts.
- Our school staff will be able to send families messages by course/class, by grade, or even to the entire school.
- Messages can be sent in English and the nine DOE languages
Family access to DOE Grades in NYCSA
For families to access a student assignment grades the process is as follows:
Step 1 - Go to NYCSA (New York City School Accounts) - (if you do not have an NYCSA Account please contact your school for login information.) and sign into your account.

Step 2 - Click on the MyStudent card on the left side of the screen towards the top.

Step 3 - Please select the “SELECT” button below the name of the student to continue.

Step 4 - Select the Assignments tile next to the Grades tile at the top of the page.
- In the Grades tile you will find course level grades and report cards both current and past.
- In the Assignments tile you will find the assignments for those classes/courses with the grades for each assignment. Parents will only see assignments and assignment-level grades if your child’s school is using the DOE Grades application.

Step 5 - You can now see the entire list of assignments for the student.

You can narrow your view by selecting one of the 4 pull down menus at the top of the view.

- Term
- Marking Period
- Subject/Course
- Category
Please Note that grades will be available for listed assignments after the teacher for that course releases the grades for parent/student view.
Accessing DOE Grades for Students
Students in NYC DOE schools that are using the new NYC DOE Grades application will be able to view their courses, assignments, and assignment grades in TeachHub. To access these new features, please follow the steps below. For support, contact your school’s administration.
Step 1 - Go To TeachHub and log in using your DOE Email address (

Step 2 - At the top bar select the MyDashboard Tab (second or third tab from the left)

Step 3 - Select the Student Grades card to begin.

Step 4 - Your Courses for the school year will appear. You may view your grades by course and by marking period. Please select a course to get more information on your assignments/grades for that course.

Classes will be color coded to show at a glance the status of that student in that class.
- Green - Passing
- Red - Not Passing
Step 5 - You will see your grades for all assignments that have been assigned a grade and those that remain ungraded. Assignments will be color coded to show at a glance the grade you have received.

- Green - Passed
- Red - Not Passed
- Grey - Ungraded or no grades released
Note: You may search for grades by term or marking period in the drop down menu.

Parent University
Learn and become an advocate
Parent University offers training, coaching, and other resources for families to help you advocate for the educational success of your children. Take courses and modules and even gain certificates.
The information stored in NYCSA is secured and protected by 128-bit SSL encryption. Information about your child is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Open external link) (FERPA).
Get Help
Want to opt-in to receive communications from your school, district, and/or citywide parent leader volunteers?
- Go to “Manage Account” and selecting "Stay Connected" to begin receiving messages from your parent leaders.
Having trouble accessing your account, or have forgotten your password?
- Use the “Forgot your password?” link on the sign-in page to reset it.
- If the problem continues, contact your child’s school.
If any of the information you see about your child in NYC Schools Account is incorrect, contact your child’s school.
For any questions about your access to another child’s NYC Schools Account, we encourage you to speak with that child’s parent.
To delete your NYC Schools Account, please contact your school. If you delete your account, you will no longer have access to your student's records in NYCSA. To reactive your account, you will need to contact your school for a new account creation code.
Contact Us
If you have questions about your child’s NYC Schools Account, contact your child’s school or call 311.
You can also use the “Feedback” feature on the bottom of each page.
We invite you to provide feedback using the Suggestions form. The link is found at the bottom of the page once you are signed into the Account.
Printable Resources
NYC Schools Account Parent Flyer
This flyer is a printable document for you and your child's school use as a quick reference guide to create an NYC Schools Account.
NYC Schools Account Creation Code Letter (SAMPLE)
The letter containing your child's unique NYC Schools Account Creation Code will look similar to this sample letter: