We offer a variety of food service programs to students throughout the school day. See below for information on all of our programs.
Afterschool Meals
Every child who participates in an afterschool program is provided a snack or supper, upon request. To see if your child’s school has an Afterschool Meals program, speak to the school’s administration.
If you represent a school that is interested or has questions, email SF-SpecialPrograms@schools.nyc.gov, call 718-707-4320, or apply for after school meals (log-in required).
Breakfast in the Classroom
Schools offering this program deliver breakfast to students’ classrooms, or provides a bagged breakfast that they can bring to class. Having a healthy breakfast helps students think and perform better in class.
This program is only available to certain schools. Please speak to your school’s administration to find out if they offer Breakfast in the Classroom.
Breakfast After the Bell
Our free breakfast is available even if a student comes in late. It is served all morning, before the first lunch service. All a student has to do is walk into the cafeteria and ask an employee for breakfast.
Saturday and Holiday Meals
If a school hosts an activity on a Saturday or holiday, students are eligible to receive a morning snack and/or lunch, depending on the time and length of the activity. Speak to your school administration to see which services are available.
If you represent a school that is interested or has questions, email SF-SpecialPrograms@schools.nyc.gov, call 718-707-4320, view the Holiday Meal Request Schedule (log-in required), or apply for after school meals (log-in required).
Pre-K for All Meals
Participating pre-K programs offer students nutritious breakfast, lunch and afterschool meals each day. Meal service is a way for learning and social interaction by serving meals 'family style' to Pre-K programs.
Infant - Toddler
The Infant-Toddler Program supports student parents and their children by offering childcare, academic guidance, and social advocacy. In addition, we provide healthy, age-appropriate meals for both infants and toddlers that meet the New York State Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Guidelines.
We recognize that each child develops at their own pace, and have implemented specific guidelines to minimize choking risks, making mealtime both safe and educational for our youngest learners.
Making Mealtime Safe for Infants & Toddlers in Schools:
Guidelines to Reduce the Risk of Choking
Foods are Prepared Easy to Chew:
- Recipes include specific instructions and menu notes for infants and toddlers
- Firm foods, like carrots are cooked or steamed until soft enough to easily pierce with a fork.
- Round foods are sliced lengthwise into short strips.
- Seeds, pits, and tough skins or peels are removed from fruits and vegetables.
- Soft foods are cut into thin slices, strips, or small pieces no larger than ½ inch, especially fruits and vegetables, which can be harder to chew.
- Upon request, food texture may be modified by pureeing, mashing, slicing, or finely chopping.
- Honey or foods prepared with honey are not served to infants or toddlers.
- Chicken on the bone is not served.
Common Choking Hazards Avoided:
Not offered to infants and toddlers: small, sticky, or hard foods that are difficult to chew and easy to swallow whole.
Examples include:
- Cheese cubes
- Dried fruits like raisins
- Hard pretzels and baked tortilla chips
- Sunflower seeds
- Spoonfuls of peanut or other nut/seed butters
- Whole round or tube-shaped foods such as grapes, cherry tomatoes, and raw carrots (unless cut to appropriate sizes)
- Ice cubes
By following these guidelines, we aim to create a mealtime that is safe and positive that supports the growth and development of infants and toddlers.
Kosher & Halal Meal Service Request
Kosher Meals
Kosher school meals may be available upon request and with prior registration. Parents/guardians may reach out to the school administration regarding Kosher meal service for your child.
Halal food options are available at every school.
An expanded certified Halal menu is available upon request through our Halal Food Program. Parents/guardians may reach out to the school administration regarding expanded certified Halal meal service for your school community.
The Halal Food Program was created to strengthen food equity for children in NYC schools. The program applies the highest standard of Halal to satisfy all Muslim students regardless of which Islamic theology, jurisprudence, and opinions they follow. School Principal(s) may request the Halal Food Program through their School Food Service Manager. A school’s kitchen must be inspected and in compliance with a Halal Food Safety Management system with integrity from Farm to Fork to become certified and permitted to offer and serve Halal food products. Throughout the school year all certified schools will partake in announced and unannounced maintenance inspections to affirm Halal product and food handler integrity.
Charter and Non-Public Schools
The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (OFNS) provides food service for new Charter and Non-Public Schools. To inquire about having service at your location visit our Charter and NPS Resources page.