Monthly Planning Calendar
The following time frames and deadlines pertaining to council work are helpful to keep in mind as you plan your meetings for the year:
Annual Meeting: Most councils elect their officers at this meeting.
July, August, and September
District Planning Engagement: The Office of District Planning will engage the councils on potential proposals for co-locations, charter school space requests, and zoning changes during these months.
September and October
Contracts for Excellence, district, Citywide Education Council (CEC) hearings happen in these months.
November and December
Capital Plan: Councils members will do school visits throughout the fall and formulate their priorities for capital improvements. Their requests will be submitted to the School Construction Authority on the official request template in January.
February and March
Fair Student Funding presentations generally happen in February and March in advance of the submission of DOE's budget allocations to the Panel for Education Policy (PEP).
March and April
Fiscal deadlines: Councils should plan ahead in order to meet the deadlines for budget modifications (usually early March) and the latest date on which purchase orders can be created (usually early April).
May and June
Councils work on superintendent evaluations (due at the end of June).