April 2025: What’s Happening in NYC Public School
This Family Update provides important information about Summer Rising 2025, the annual NYC School Survey, Candidate Forums and voting in the 2025 Education Council elections, and key admissions dates.
Summer Rising Offers
Beginning Thursday, April 24, families who submitted applications for Summer Rising by the March 28 deadline will be able to log in to MySchools (myschools.nyc) and see their results and waitlists. Summer Rising seats are limited—please only accept your child’s offer if you know that your child will be attending most of their scheduled program this summer.
After reviewing your results, you will be able to accept or decline your child’s offer directly through MySchools. The last day to accept Summer Rising offers is Thursday, May 8—make sure you accept your offer and answer any required questions to ensure your child’s seat! This year, families will not be automatically enrolled, and must accept their children’s offers by the deadline, as Summer Rising placements will not be confirmed until families accept them. Accepting an offer will not affect your child’s chances of getting a waitlist offer to another program at a later date.
2025 NYC School Survey
Don’t forget to complete the 2025 NYC School Survey by Friday, April 4! Your confidential feedback helps our schools better understand what their students and community members need and think about their learning environments, educators, curricula, support services, and more. School leaders use this feedback to improve their schools and program offerings.
To view and complete the survey, log in to your official New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) at schoolsaccount.nyc. You should have also received a printed copy of the survey with instructions on how to complete the survey on paper or online from your school. Learn more about or take the 2025 NYC School Survey at NYCSchoolSurvey.org.
2025 Community and Citywide Education Council Elections
This month, the 2025 Community and Citywide Education Council (CCEC) Elections continue with Candidate Forums and the start of the voting period! First, attend virtual Candidate Forums throughout April to meet the candidates running for your Community Education Council and for the City's four Citywide Education Councils.
Then, from April 25 – May 13, you will vote for your preferred candidates through your NYCSA. Be prepared by creating your account now—learn how at schools.nyc.com/NYCSA. Find forum schedules and registration links at schools.nyc.gov/Elections2025 alongside more information about how to vote. Learn more about CCECs at schools.nyc.gov/CCEC.
Key Admissions Dates
Spring 2025 includes the opening of the final application process for fall 2025, as well as offer releases for several admissions processes also for fall 2025.
Upper Grade Gifted and Talented (G&T) Application Opens
G&T programs offer accelerated instruction to eligible elementary school students in the City. If your child will be in grades 1, 2, 3 or 4 during the 2025–26 school year and is eligible based on their report card grades, they can participate in the G&T admissions process for fall 2025 via MySchools.nyc. Families of eligible students will receive notification that they may apply to the e-mail associated with their MySchools account or via mail. To learn about G&T eligibility requirements and the admissions process, visit schools.nyc.gov/GT.
Middle School and Kindergarten Offers
- If you applied to kindergarten for fall 2025 by the January 24, 2025 deadline, you will receive your child’s kindergarten offer on April 2, 2025.
- If you applied to middle school for fall 2025 by the December 20, 2024 deadline, you will receive your child’s middle school offer on April 9, 2025, after school hours.
You will be notified by email to log in to your MySchools.nyc account to view the offer and any waitlists your child is on (if applicable), along with information on next steps. To learn how offers are made, visit schools.nyc.gov/MS and schools.nyc.gov/K.
March 2025: What's Happening in NYC Public Schools
Apply Now for Summer Rising
The Summer Rising 2025 application is now open until Friday, March 28, 2025! Offered in partnership with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), Summer Rising is free and open to any NYC student currently in kindergarten through grade 8. The program begins for all participants on July 2, and runs Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Programming for students in grades K–5 ends August 15, and programming for students in grades 6–8 ends August 8.
Students will be provided with free breakfast and lunch. Programming includes academic instruction led by NYCPS staff and enrichment activities led by Community Based Organizations (CBOs).
To apply, log in to your existing MySchools.nyc account, or create one using your email address, your child’s 9-digit student ID number, and a MySchools account creation code, which you can get by contacting your child's school. Families can list as many programs as they like on their application and may make changes at any time up to the March 28 deadline.
If you have any questions or need help with the application, please visit schools.nyc.gov/SummerRising, contact your school, or email summer@schools.nyc.gov.
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans
Students attending 12-month/Extended School Year (ESY) special class, Nest, or Horizon Programs will receive the program and services recommended on their IEP at an Extended School year (ESY), District 75 (D75), Nest, or Horizon Summer Program site. Families who wish to participate in IEP program and extended-day CBO-led enrichment through Summer Rising should use the MySchools application portal.
If your child will only be participating in Nest/ Horizon programming (until 12:00 p.m.), D75 (until 2:30 p.m.), or ESY programming (until 2:00 p.m.), you should contact your child’s school instead of using the MySchools application.
2025 NYC School Survey
Don’t forget to complete the 2025 NYC School Survey by Friday, April 4! Your confidential feedback helps our schools better understand what their students and community members need and think about their learning environments, educators, curricula, support services, and more. School leaders use this feedback to improve their schools and program offerings.
To view and complete the survey, log into your official New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) at schoolsaccount.nyc. You will also receive a printed copy of the survey with instructions on how to complete the survey on paper or online. You can also learn more about or take the 2025 NYC School Survey at NYCSchoolSurvey.org.
Community and Citywide Education Council Elections 2025
Meet the candidates for the 2025 Community and Citywide Education Council (CCEC) Elections! Starting Monday, March 3, attend your district's virtual Candidate Forum to learn about the candidates running for your local Community Education Council or one of the City's four Citywide Education Councils. Learn more about CCECs at schools.nyc.gov/CCEC. Visit schools.nyc.gov/Elections2025 for dates, times, and to register to join the forums on Zoom.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Get ready for parent-teacher conferences (PTCs) in March! PTCs are a great opportunity to speak directly with teachers about your child’s academic and social-emotional development and how you can support their growth outside the classroom. Conferences will be conducted remotely during the 2024–25 school year and can be held in-person upon request. Translation and interpretation services are also available—please let your child’s school know if you need services.
- Thursday, March 6: Afternoon and Evening conferences for elementary schools and Pre-K Centers
- Thursday, March 13: Afternoon and evening conferences for middle schools and D-75 schools
- Thursday, March 20: Evening PTCs for high school students, K–12, and 6–12 schools
- Friday, March 21: Afternoon PTCs for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
For more PTC guidance, please visit schools.nyc.gov/ptc.
February 24, 2025: A Message for Families on NYCPS Supports for LGBTQ+ Students
Dear Families,
I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm our support for our students who identify as LGBTQ+. At New York City Public Schools, we are committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment for all students—one that is free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. As I recently shared with over 1,000 students and staff attending our seventh annual Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Summit, at New York City Public Schools, we see you, we support you, and we value you.
Our policies remain in effect, and in fact, we have strengthened them in recent years, including updating our guidelines on gender inclusion. You can review these guidelines, along with other LGBTQ+ supports, at schools.nyc.gov/LGBTQ and schools.nyc.gov/GenderGuidelines.
I’m proud that at New York City Public Schools, we have robust curricula, resources, and programs to support students who identify as LGBTQ+ and to increase representation and inclusivity within our schools. These include our GSA student clubs and our Hidden Voices curricular series, which highlights LGBTQ+ individuals who have made an impact on our city, country, and world. Additionally, between our school-based mental health clinics, our partnerships with community-based organizations, and our school counselors and social workers, every student has access to mental health support. I encourage you to visit our New York City Public Schools website (schools.nyc.gov) to learn more, and please reach out to LGBTQ@schools.nyc.gov with questions.
One of my commitments as Chancellor is to ensure the safety and wellness of our students and school communities—specifically, the physical and emotional safety of every child. We thank you for helping us maintain safe and inclusive environments in our schools.
In partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos
February 12, 2025: A Message for Families Regarding Non-Local Law Enforcement
Dear Families,
I am reaching out to reaffirm our commitment to you and your children. Please know that New York City Public Schools is dedicated to protecting the right of every student to attend public school, regardless of immigration status, national origin, or religion. Our policies remain the same, and I encourage you to continue to send your children to school.
As you may know, New York City Public Schools does not request or track families’ immigration or asylum status. Access to students, school facilities, or records will only be provided to non-local law enforcement when required by law, and only after consultation with New York City Public Schools’ lawyers. If an officer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or other non-local law enforcement agency attempts to enter the school building or asks for information, our school staff know to contact our attorneys.
Since January, we have trained thousands of staff members—including principals, parent coordinators, school safety agents, guidance counselors, social workers, and more—on our policy and procedures. We will continue to ensure our staff are informed and prepared. We are also working with community partners to provide “Know Your Rights” training sessions for families in multiple languages. For more information, visit schools.nyc.gov/ProjectOpenArms. Families with questions about federal policies can call the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Legal Support Hotline at 1-800-354-0365.
We will continue to update our families and our school community as needed. To ensure you receive important news from New York City Public Schools, please make sure you have activated your NYC Schools Account (schools.nyc.gov/NYCSA) and that your contact information is up to date. You can also share updated contact information with your child’s school.
I know how important it is that our schools are safe places for our children; school was that safe place for me when I was young. The diversity of New York City Public Schools is one of our greatest strengths, and I am committed to maintaining a community where all students can learn and thrive.
In Partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos
February 2025: What's Happening in NYC Public Schools
Summer Rising
New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) is looking forward to partnering with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) once again for Summer Rising 2025. Summer Rising connects elementary and middle school students to fun, hands-on experiences that strengthen their academic, social, and emotional skills. Summer Rising is free, and open to any NYC student currently in kindergarten through grade 8.
Grades K–5: The program will run from July 2 to August 15, 2025, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Grades 6–8: The program will run from July 2 to August 8, 2025, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Students will be provided with free breakfast and lunch. Programming will include academics led by NYCPS staff and enrichment activities held by DYCD Community Based Organizations (CBOs).
Summer Rising MySchools Application
The application will open on March 4, and close March 28, 2025. As in 2024, families can apply for Summer Rising online using MySchools, our online directory and application system.
To apply, log in to MySchools.nyc (if you already have a MySchools account you do not need to create a new one). Your MySchools account, used for admissions, is different from the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) that you may use to access your child’s health forms and update emergency contact information.
If you have applied to Summer Rising, 3-K/Pre-K programs, or NYCPS schools using MySchools before, your child may already be added to your account. If you do not have a MySchools account, you can create one at MySchools.nyc using your email address, your child’s 9-digit student ID number and a MySchools account creation code, which you can get by contacting your child's school.
Families can list as many programs as they would like on their application; we recommend that you list as many programs as possible to increase the likelihood of being placed in a program of your choice.
This process is not first-come, first-served; all applications received by the deadline will be treated the same. Families may make changes to their application at any point within the application period.
If you have any questions or need support with the application, please visit our website at schools.nyc.gov/SummerRising, contact your school, or email summer@schools.nyc.gov.
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans
Students attending 12-month/Extended School Year (ESY) special class, Nest, or Horizon Programs will receive the program and services recommended on their IEP at an Extended School year (ESY), District 75, or Nest or Horizon Summer Program site. Families who wish to participate in IEP program and extended-day CBO-led enrichment through Summer Rising should use the MySchools application portal. These families will have priority for seats in Summer Rising and will choose from the CBO program(s) operating in connection with their IEP program.
If you do not want extended day enrichment for your child, and your child will only be participating in Nest or Horizon programming (until 12:00 p.m.), D75 (until 2:30 p.m.), or ESY programming (until 2:00 p.m.), you should contact your child’s school instead of using the MySchools application portal.
Students who require accommodations, such as a paraprofessional or nurse, to participate in Summer Rising will receive them based on their individual needs.
2025 NYC School Survey
Beginning February 10, 2025, NYCPS will hold its annual NYC School Survey. Held annually over the past 19 years, the NYC School Survey asks City public school families, teachers, students in grades 6–12, and select staff members to provide their feedback regarding their individual experiences in City public schools. This feedback, which will remain confidential, will help our schools better understand what their students and community members need and think about their learning environments, educators, curricula, support services, and more. School leaders can then use this feedback to help improve their schools and program offerings.
To view and complete the survey, log into your official NYCSA at schoolsaccount.nyc beginning February 10. You will also receive a printed copy of the survey with instructions on how to complete the survey on paper or online.
The 2025 Survey will close on April 4, 2025. Learn more about the 2025 NYC School Survey at nycschoolsurvey.org.
Community and Citywide Education Council Elections 2025
If you’re interested in helping shape policies and priorities that will affect the education of City students, consider joining an education council! Parents can apply to run for the 2025–2027 term until Sunday, February 16, 2025. Applications are completed via your NYC Schools Account (schoolsaccount.nyc) and only take 5–10 minutes to complete! Review the Eligibility Checklist, Elections Guide, and FAQ on schools.nyc.gov/Elections2025 for more information about who can run for a seat on each council.
To complete your application, you’ll need to create a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) in your name. You will also use your NYCSA to vote for the candidates for your district, so it’s important to be prepared by creating your account now—learn how at schools.nyc.com/NYCSA.
Respect for All Week
This year, Respect for All Week will be February 10–14, 2025! Throughout the week, schools across the city will highlight and build upon ongoing programs to help students, staff, and communities gain a better understanding of diversity. In addition, students will participate in lessons and activities which focus on preventing bullying, intimidation, and bias-based harassment culminating in ‘National No One Eats Alone Day’ on Friday, February 14.
To learn more about Respect for All Week and to find out more about NYCPS initiatives and resources to combat bullying and harassment, please visit schools.nyc.gov/RespectForAll.
Key Admissions Dates
3-K and Pre-K Applications Deadline
Remember to submit your application by Friday, February 28, 2025! If your child was born in 2022, they can attend 3-K this fall. If your child was born in 2021, then they can attend Pre-K this fall.
To learn more about free 3-K and Pre-K education in the City, how to locate a program near you, and how to apply, visit our website at schools.nyc.gov/3K and schools.nyc.gov/PreK, and attend one of our elementary admissions virtual events listed at schools.nyc.gov/ESEvents.
High School Offers
If your child applied to high school for fall 2025 by the December 9, 2024, deadline, you will receive their high school offers by March 6, 2025. You will be notified by email to log into your MySchools account to view the offer and any waitlist placements (if applicable), along with information on next steps. To learn how offers are made and what to do next, visit schools.nyc.gov/HS.
January 2025: What's Happening in NYC Public Schools
Community and Citywide Education Council Elections 2025
The 2025 Community and Citywide Education Council Elections are here!
Council members help shape policies and priorities that will affect the education of our students in important ways, including by reviewing educational programs, approving school zoning lines, and making recommendations to improve services to NYCPS students. Participating in these elections, whether as a candidate or a voter, is one of the best ways to make your voice heard as an NYCPS parent, and to have a direct impact on the issues that are affecting your school community.
Interested in running for a seat? Beginning Monday, January 13, parents can apply to run for the 2025–2027 term until Sunday, February 16. Applications are completed via your NYC Schools Account (schoolsaccount.nyc) and only take 5–10 minutes to complete! Review the Eligibility Checklist, Elections Guide, and FAQ on schools.nyc.gov/Elections2025 for more information about who can run for a seat on each council.
To complete your application, you’ll need to create a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) in your name; you will also use your NYCSA to vote for the candidates for your district, so it’s important to make sure you’re prepared by creating your account now.
Create Your New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) Today
If you don’t already have an account, getting started is quick and easy: just visit schoolsaccount.nyc, click “Create New Account,” and provide the necessary information. If you do not know your child’s Student ID number (OSIS) or their Account Creation Code in order to link them to your account, or if you have any other questions about NYCSA, reach out to your school’s parent coordinator for help.
NYCSA isn’t just for the elections either; your account will also allow you to view your child’s grades, report cards, attendance history, transportation information, and more—plus, it’s used to communicate with families if we’re experiencing a weather emergency, like a blizzard, about potential school closures or schedule changes.
You can learn more about NYCSA—including more detailed steps on how to create an account—at schools.nyc.com/NYCSA.
Important Admissions Dates
The beginning of 2025 includes key admissions dates for our youngest students to enroll in school for fall 2025.
Kindergarten Application Deadline
If your child was born in 2020, they can attend kindergarten this September. Submit your application by Friday, January 24, 2025—you can add kindergarten Dual Language and Gifted and Talented programs directly to your child’s application in MySchools.nyc.
3-K and Pre-K Applications Open
Get ready for your little ones to begin their educational journey—NYCPS 3-K and Pre-K applications open Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
- If your child was born in 2022, they can attend 3-K this fall.
- If your child was born in 2021, they can attend Pre-K during the 2025–26 school year.
To learn more about free 3-K and Pre-K education in New York City, how to locate a program near you, and how to apply, visit our website at schools.nyc.gov/3K and schools.nyc.gov/PreK, and attend one of our elementary admissions virtual events listed at schools.nyc.gov/ESevents.
Big Apple Award Nominations
It’s time to celebrate New York City’s amazing educators with the Big Apple Awards!
Nominating a teacher for the Big Apple Awards is a great way for students, families, teachers, administrators, school employees, and community members to show their appreciation for the great work happening in City classrooms. Please help us recognize and celebrate some of our City’s best teachers by nominating your favorite teachers by January 21, 2025 at bit.ly/BigAppleNomination.
To qualify, nominees must be current, full-time public school teachers in City district schools, charter programs, or early childhood education centers who inspire their students, exemplify great teaching, and improve their school communities. To learn more about the Big Apple Awards and nomination process, and see a list of recent honorees, please visit schools.nyc.gov/BigAppleAwards.
November 2024: What's Happening in NYC Public Schools
This Family Update provides important information about the updated school year calendar, kindergarten enrollment, upcoming application deadlines for middle and high school admissions, remote learning guidance, and signing up for a New York City Schools Account.
Important Winter Recess Calendar Update
Last month, we announced that Monday, December 23—previously scheduled as a school day on the 2024–25 school year calendar—will now be a holiday for New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) students. This change will give students, staff, and their families more time together during the busy holiday season, while still allowing us to meet our 180-day school year requirement. You can find the most up-to-date version of our calendar on the NYCPS website at schools.nyc.gov/calendar. We hope you enjoy your extended winter recess!
Kindergarten Admissions Opens December 10
Beginning Tuesday, December 10, NYC children who were born in 2020 can participate in fall 2025 kindergarten admissions. You can add Kindergarten Gifted and Talented (G&T) and Dual Language programs to your child’s application at MySchools.nyc; G&T eligibility will be determined after you apply. To learn more about this year's kindergarten admissions process, visit our official "Kindergarten" webpage at schools.nyc.gov/K.
The fall 2025 kindergarten application will close on Friday, January 24, 2025.
Reminder: Upcoming Admissions Deadlines
There are two important admissions deadlines coming up in early December. The high school application for fall 2025 will close on Wednesday, December 4, and the middle school application for fall 2025 will close on Friday, December 20. To learn how to submit your application and get more details about each process, visit schools.nyc.gov/Admissions.
Remote Learning Guidance
As winter approaches, it’s important to remember that if school buildings must close due to inclement weather, students in kindergarten and above will participate in remote learning from home. Children attending LYFE or a 3-K or Pre-K program in an elementary school or Pre-K center should participate in the remote learning experiences outlined by their program.
If your child still needs a working internet-enabled device loaned from NYCPS, you can request one from your school directly. Find guidance on how to use your loaned iPad or laptop at schools.nyc.gov/NYCPSdevices.
Familiarize yourself ahead of time with the resources your child needs to participate in remote learning:
- Students can access all the NYCPS technology platforms they will need for remote learning through their NYCPS Student Accounts (also known as a DOE Student Account), which is created automatically when your child enrolls in school. Using the NYCPS Student Account, students and families can connect to all NYCPS digital learning tools with a single login. Learn more at schools.nyc.gov/StudentAccounts.
- If you are not sure of your child’s NYCPS Account username and password, please visit selfservice.schools.nyc or ask your school for help.
- Learn more about the digital learning tools, applications, and platforms NYCPS uses at schools.nyc.gov/DigitalLearning.
New York City Schools Account (NYCSA)
Sign up for a NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) by following the instructions at schools.nyc.gov/NYCSA. You can use NYCSA to stay updated about your child’s grades, transportation, attendance, Individualized Education Program (IEP) (if applicable), and more.
You can also:
- Fill out and sign digital forms for your child’s school
- Gain access to NYCPS resources for families such as Parent University (parentu.schools.nyc) and SupportHub (supporthub.schools.nyc)
- Receive information from parent groups such as Community and Citywide Education Councils (CCECs) and your school’s Parent Association/Parent Teacher Association (PA/PTA)
November 6, 2024: Reflecting on This Election
Dear New York City Public Schools Community,
As a public school system, I believe we have a set of core responsibilities to our students and families. We must, first and foremost, keep students safe. We must also prepare them to become leaders of the next generation. For these reasons, a presidential election represents an especially important moment in our school communities.
As I highlighted in last week’s PS + You newsletter, our Civics team has done tremendous work to civically engage our students throughout this election. We are instilling in our children a deep appreciation for and understanding of democracy.
As we prepare for the presidential transition in January, our children may be wondering what these election results mean for them. First, I want to reassure you that we remain steadfast in our commitment to maintain safe and supportive environments for our students, staff, and families. That is our top priority and our first responsibility as a school system.
Additionally, I encourage us all—educators, school leaders, families, and community members—to discuss this election with our students and to model thoughtful civil discourse in doing so. We must support our students to ask questions, learn the facts, and express their perspectives respectfully. Please visit schools.nyc.gov/currentevents for resources that will be helpful in creating space for discussion.
Finally, as community members, we will continue to take care of our students and each other. Every school has on-site mental health support (see schools.nyc.gov/mentalhealth), and if you need assistance yourself, you can call or text 988. If you have questions or concerns about student safety and support, please contact your principal or district superintendent.
As we look ahead to the future of our country and our democracy, I want to thank you for being part of the New York City Public Schools community. Public education is a cornerstone of our society, and we are working every day to prepare the next generation of leaders. Thank you for guiding, nurturing, and supporting all our children and for upholding our New York City values each and every day.
In partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos
October 2024: What's Happening in NYC Public Schools
This update provides important information regarding NYC Public Schools (NYCPS), including key upcoming dates from the 2024-25 School Year Calendar, admissions deadlines, planning for remote learning, New York State vaccination requirements, and details about where you can get the latest news regarding NYCPS.
Important Upcoming Dates
- November 1: Diwali, schools closed
- November 5: Election Day, no classes for NYCPS students
- November 7: Afternoon and evening PTCs for elementary schools*
- November 11: Veterans Day, schools closed
- November 14: Afternoon/evening PTCs for middle schools and D75 schools*
- November 21: Evening PTCs for high schools, K-12, and 6-12 schools
- November 22: Afternoon PTCs for high schools, K-12, and 6-12 schools*
- November 28-29: Thanksgiving Recess, schools closed
- December 24-January 1: Winter Recess, schools closed
*students in these schools dismissed three hours early
2025 High School Admissions
Planning to enroll in one of NYC's 700+ public high school programs in fall 2025? As of October 1, current eighth graders and first-time ninth graders can participate in this year's NYCPS high school application process.
This year, MySchools (myschools.nyc) offers a new feature to help applicants understand their chances of receiving an offer from a particular program (schools.nyc.gov/OfferChances). Additionally, students may now list any number of program choices on their application, expanded from the previous limit of 12.
Fall 2025 High School applications will close on Wednesday, December 4. Learn more at schools.nyc.gov/HS.
2025 Middle School Admissions
As of October 15, students currently in fifth grade (or sixth grade, for students in K-6 elementary schools), can participate in fall 2025 middle school admissions.
New this year, families can now list ANY City public middle school on their application. While zoned and district priority schools will continue to prioritize zoned and/or district students, applicants from other zones/districts will now be considered for remaining seats.
Fall 2025 Middle School applications will close on Friday, December 20. Learn more at schools.nyc.gov/MS.
November 2024 Parent-Teacher Conferences
This year's second round of Parent-Teacher Conferences will begin on Thursday, November 7. Speak with your child's teachers to schedule your conference times. Visit our Parent-Teacher Conferences page (schools.nyc.gov/ptc) for tips and additional guidance.
Preparing for Remote Learning
In the event that NYCPS buildings must close due to the weather, all K-12 students will be expected to participate in their classes from home. Please ensure your child has a working internet-enabled device at home-prepare by reaching out to your school directly now if your child needs a device loaned from NYCPS; do not wait for a building closure. Learn how to get started using your loaned iPad or laptop at schools.nyc.gov/NYCPSdevices.
To participate in remote learning, students will need to log on using their NYCPS Student Account (schools.nyc.gov/StudentAccounts). If you do not know your child's username and password, please visit selfservice.schools.nyc or ask your school for help. For information about the applications and platforms we use, please visit schools.nyc.gov/DigitalLearning.
Stay Up to Date with Your Child's Vaccinations
All NYCPS students, from Infant and Toddler programs through grade 12, must meet both State and City school immunization requirements in order to attend school. Review the requirements for students in your child's grade level at schools.nyc.gov/immunization.
Remember: a healthy school setting gives all students the best opportunity to learn, and vaccines are among the most effective tools we have to protect our children from diseases that can make them sick. Talk to your child's health provider to learn more, or find a health provider who fits your family's needs at pndslookup.health.ny.gov.
Have You Checked Out The Morning Bell?
Did you know that the latest news and helpful resources for NYC families can all be found online on The Morning Bell? Don't miss out-bookmark us at schools.nyc.gov/MorningBell.
Fall 2024: Climate Action Day
Dear Families,
At New York City Public Schools, our job is to nurture the next generation—and that includes caring for the environment around us. That’s why we are launching our second year of Climate Action Days in our schools. We are building on our commitment to sustainability to keep our communities clean, green, and safe for our children—today and into the future.
Every school will have the opportunity to take part in four Climate Action Days this year. The first Climate Action Day theme is “Waste,” and most schools will participate on Tuesday, November 19.
There are many ways our schools can prevent waste and reduce what we send to landfills. This year, one way we’re taking action is by providing all K-12 schools with curbside composting service five days a week.
I want to encourage you to engage with your child about climate change and how we can all be part of the solution:
- Learn more about Climate Action Days at on.nyc.gov/ClimateActionDays.
- Ask your child’s school about:
- Climate Action Day plans: Students will participate in climate-related activities organized by school-based Sustainability Coordinators.
- Plastic Free Lunch Day: Many schools will also take part in National Plastic Free Lunch Day on November 19. If your child brings food from home, pack it in reusable containers, paper bags, or aluminum foil. Unlike plastic bags or wrap, these items can be composted or recycled.
- Food Donation: Ask your school principal if they have opted into the food donation program. Schools can provide unopened food and beverages to families and local organizations, preventing food waste.
By working together, we can build a brighter, more sustainable future. Thank you for being our partners and for all you do to support our children!
Meredith McDermott
of Energy & Sustainability
October 2024: My Commitment to You
American Sign Language (video)
Dear Families,
I am honored and excited to be your new Chancellor. As a lifelong educator and mom of a New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) student, I am eager to work with and serve you.
When I was a child growing up in the Bronx, my mother taught me that education was the ticket to a life of prosperity and fulfillment. I decided to become a teacher in 2007 because I, like my mother, believe in the power of education to change lives.
I began my career in the classroom at Harry S. Truman High School and went on to become an administrator at both the school and district levels. As chief of staff to former Chancellor Banks, I spearheaded Project Open Arms, a multi-agency effort to welcome and support our 45,000-plus newest New Yorkers. In my most recent role, I served as the Deputy Chancellor of Family and Community Engagement and External Affairs, fostering partnerships between families, schools, and communities.
I know this school system inside and out—and with each passing year, I grow even more amazed at the talent of our staff, the innovation in our classrooms, the dedication of our families and parent leaders, and the brilliance of our students. To become the next Chancellor is the culmination of my life’s work.
I want to thank Mayor Adams for this opportunity and Chancellor Banks for his immense contributions to our school system. The initiatives we’ve launched—from NYC Reads to our reimagined Student Pathways—have been truly transformative, and I am eager to continue these programs. Please know that I am committed to stability and consistency in the day-to-day operation of our schools.
As an NYCPS parent myself, I will work my hardest to ensure our schools are safe and welcoming spaces for our children, that they set a high academic bar, and that they provide rich opportunities for learning and growth. I commit to advocating for each of our children just as I would for my own daughter. And I commit to listening to the wisdom of our families and ensuring we are doing our part as an agency to communicate clearly and often.
I’m excited to continue building bright starts and bold futures for the children of our city, and I look forward to all that we will achieve together. Thank you for choosing New York City Public Schools for your children.
In partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos, Chancellor
September 26, 2024: A Message from Chancellor David C. Banks
First and foremost, I want to thank you for entrusting your children to New York City Public Schools. I am writing to share the news that after nearly 40 years serving the children and families of this city, I have made the decision to retire at the end of this calendar year.
From my earliest days as a school safety agent through my time as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, founder of the Eagle Academy network, and finally, as Chancellor, I have worked relentlessly to give our city’s children the educational experiences they deserve—from the fundamentals of learning to read to groundbreaking opportunities for career-connected learning.
I’m a product of the New York City Public Schools myself, and I believe deeply in the transformative impact of an excellent public education. Although I am retiring, I know that the critical work we have started will continue and that its impact will be felt for years to come.
I entered this role nearly three years ago guided by four pillars: to reimagine the student experience; to scale, sustain, and restore what works; to prioritize wellness and its links to student success; and to engage families and communities as true partners. I am proud to say that we have made significant progress in all these areas. We launched NYC Reads and NYC Solves, built innovative and immersive college and career pathways, created the Division of Inclusive and Accessible Learning, welcomed over 45,000 of our newest New Yorkers, expanded student mental health supports, invested $1.5 billion in our school communities, and so much more. Through it all, we kept students, families, and communities at the center.
I want to congratulate Deputy Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos, who will be taking the helm as Chancellor beginning in January. Melissa is a New York City Public Schools parent, a lifelong New Yorker, and most importantly, a champion for our students and school communities. I am fully confident that Melissa is the right person for the job, and I believe that under her leadership, the best is yet to come for New York City Public Schools.
It has been the honor of a lifetime to build bright starts and bold futures for our city’s children. I have felt blessed every day to work with the most incredible team—140,000 strong—on behalf of the most incredible kids and families. I will remain your staunch advocate and supporter, and I thank you—our families, parent leaders, and community members—for your partnership and dedication.