Charter and Non-Public Schools Food Service

Food service may be available for new Charter and Non-Public Schools

If service is requested, the information below must be submitted on official school letterhead to NYCDOE OFNS. Prior to a decision being made to build, move, or renovate the premises contact Special Programs so we can assist in selecting the best service model for your school.

For Both New Charter & Non-Public Schools

  • Official school name or name to register your school with the state
  • BEDS Code
  • DBN or NPSIS Number
  • School Address
  • Total number of students registered and maximum school capacity
  • Regular School Hours
  • Grade Level
  • First and last day of the school year
  • Service start and end time for breakfast and lunch
  • Are you interested in participating in the afterschool program?
  • Principal Name and E-mail Address
  • Director of Operations Name and E-mail Address
  • Telephone number for the Director of Operations and/or Principal
  • Copy of the school calendar for the school year, if available

For Non-Public Only (All of the above plus):

  • 501C-3 letter
  • Certificate of Occupancy
  • Fire Inspection Report, A-106A

Notes & Resource Links

As a point of reference, review the PDF's below for the Kitchen Space Requirements which are based on your student enrollment. This will help scope the required space to allocate for proper service. Service is always based on projected enrollment at full capacity. These are the same requirements that OFNS has agreed to use for new DOE buildings and is adopted by the SCA. The total enrollment number will dictate the type of service to be provided.

The last day to apply for our services is June 30, 2025, for the school year 2025-2026. Please keep in mind applying for service does not guarantee you are approved and may require you to apply for the following school year. All requests are reviewed and confirmed by the Special Programs Office.