District 75 provides highly specialized instructional support for students with significant challenges. District 75 serves children from Pre-K through age 21. The District 75 Placement Team within the Office of Student Enrollment manages admissions and enrollment for students with a District 75 recommendation on their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Need a District 75 school for your child now?
- If your child is currently registered to a NYC public school and has an IEP recommending a District 75 placement, but not yet enrolled in a District 75 school, work with your child’s current school to check the status of your child’s placement.
- If your child is not yet enrolled in school and is recommended for District 75 through a Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Commitee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE), please contact your CSE to check on the status of your placement.
- If your child is has gone through the Kindergarten IEP process (KIP) and will be entering Kindergarten next year and has an IEP recommendation for District 75, please review the Kindergarten IEP Process webpage for more information.
Articulation into 6th or 9th grade
What is Articulation?
Articulation is the process that refers to your child moving from elementary school to middle school or from middle school to high school. In most cases, your child will be enrolling in a new school or new site for 6th or 9th grade.
Learn about your Options
In your child’s 5th or 8th grade school year, their current school will provide you with information on school options for the following year. You can tell your child’s current school if you have any preferences, and they will relay that information to the Office of Student Enrollment’s District 75 Placement Team. Our team makes every attempt to accommodate your preferences, but placement is based on the factors in the section below.
Get Your Articulation Letter
The articulation letter states where your child will go to school in the next school year. Once you get the placement letter for the newly assigned school, there is nothing else you need to do! We will facilitate transportation, and your child will be automatically placed on that school’s register for September.
If you would like to tour the school, please contact the school directly using the information on your child’s articulation letter.
Please note that District 75 seats are limited and changes to your child’s articulation placement are not guaranteed; however, we will make every effort to issue another placement if a seat becomes available. Please be aware that there is no specific timeline for when a second school offer will be available, and we kindly ask for your patience as we continue to work towards securing the best possible placement for your child.
Learn How Students Get Placement
District 75 placement is based on the following factors:
1. Your child’s IEP
Students are placed in schools with programs that serve their IEP recommended class size. Other considerations for placement include factors in your child’s IEP, such as disability classification, assessment type, and accessibility needs, etc.
2. Seat availability
Each District 75 class has a certain number of seats available. Not all schools/sites serve all class types. Once a class is full, offers are made to other sites with availability in that class type.
3. Location
Every effort is made to offer your child a seat as close to home as possible.
Below are some common reasons for transfers and how to request one if needed.
If you have or your child has a medical condition or disability that prevents physical access to your child's school, contact your child’s current school to ensure their needs are reflected in their IEP. Your child’s school will then share the transfer request with the District 75 Placement team and a new placement will be issued.
Current School is Unsafe for my Child
We are committed to ensuring that all students can attend school safely.
- Reach out to a school staff member if you have safety concerns regarding your child’s school and they will work with you to address the concerns.
- If you believe that your child is not safe at their school and want to request a transfer to another school, let your school know. The school will work with you to submit any documentation that you provide, such as a written statement or police report, to the District 75 Placement Team. The District 75 Placement Team will follow up with you and/or the school to discuss your request.
- You can also request a transfer by contacting the District 75 Placement Team (D75Placement@schools.nyc.gov) and providing documentation, such as a written statement or a police report.
If you want your child to go to the same school as their sibling, you can request a sibling transfer. Siblings include half-siblings, step-siblings, and foster siblings who live in the same home as your child. Request a transfer by working with your child’s current school or emailing D75Placement@schools.nyc.gov.
We aim to minimize travel time for students as much as possible. You may inquire whether a school closer to home is available for your child, but a transfer is not guaranteed.
My child is not ready to move to middle school. Do they have to articulate?
Promotional decisions are made based on information in your child’s IEP. If you have concerns with what is reflected on the IEP, please contact your child’s current school.
What happens after I receive a placement (outside of articulation)?
Once you receive a placement, you should let either your child’s current school, the new school, or the District 75 Placement team know that you have accepted the placement. The new school will then work with you to register your child and ensure bussing is provided. As always, you may tour the placement school by contacting the school directly.
I’m awaiting my child’s District 75 placement. How can I check on the status of the placement?
Speak with your child's current school or CSE.
I am unhappy with my child’s school and/or their services. What can I do?
The first step is to speak with your child’s current school. Explain your concerns and see what can be done to address the issue. You may also reach out to the District 75 leadership office at D75info@schools.nyc.gov.
Please note that transfers due to concerns about D75 school services, staff/administration, curriculum, and/or related services will not be granted unless the Superintendent's team has reviewed and stated that the concerns cannot be addressed at the student’s current school.
How does bussing work?
After you accept your child’s placement (for non-articulating grades), our team will request a bus route for your child. Once the route is confirmed, the bus company will reach out to you with the details. In the meantime, if you’d like updates or have any questions, feel free to contact your child’s new school.