Finding an Independent Provider

When we are unable to find a DOE employee (our first choice) or agency therapist (our second choice) to work with children in grades K-12 during or after school hours, your school or Committee for Special Education (CSE) will issue a Related Services Authorization (RSA) or P4 (for SETSS only).

These vouchers let you select a qualified independent provider to see your child.

Note: All services for preschool students are arranged by your Committee for Preschool Education (CPSE)

For more information about how RSAs work, click on any of the links below. 

Two Kinds of Independent Providers

Independent Providers for Students in Grades K-12

First look for a provider using this list. Each type of therapy (Speech, OT, PT, etc.) has its own list, which is divided into two sections – independent providers and independent agencies. Each section is divided by borough and in alphabetical order.

Additional Options with DOE Providers

If you cannot find an independent provider, search the lists under Additional Options with DOE Providers. These are DOE employees who can provide service under certain conditions, after regular school hours. Each type of therapy has its own list, which is divided by borough in alphabetical order.

Search for an Independent Provider


You can scroll down for links to directories of providers or use our online search tool to look for a provider. Use the instructions below--they're available in all 10 languages! 

Have a question about this tool? Email

More Help

If you still need help finding a provider for your child, contact your school or the CSE that issued your voucher, and they will be able to assist you.

You can also contact

Independent Market Analysis: In October 2023, the American Institutes for Research (A.I.R.) developed an approach, based on an analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, to calculate market rates for independently contracted special education teachers in the New York City area. Their findings can be found in this report. (This Report does not impact existing payment schedules for services provided by DOE teachers or independent special education teachers working pursuant to a "P-4" or Authorization for Independent Special Education Teacher.)