NYC Public Schools Speak Your Language!

Translation of the NYC Public Schools' Website

The NYC Public Schools' website can be translated by selecting your language on the top part of any of its public pages. This feature has been enabled for your convenience using translation software powered by Google Translate. Please note, however, that automated translation is not intended to replace human translators and is provided as a service to visitors of the website. No warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of any translation made from English into any other language. Some content (such as images, videos, Flash, etc.) may not be accurately translated due to the limitations of the translation software.

The video above is available in the following languages:

Arabic | Bangla | Cantonese | English | French | Haitian Creole | Korean | Mandarin | Russian | Spanish | Urdu

Learn more about the Office of Language Access on the InfoHub.

New York City Public School Staff should log in to the employee-only InfoHub page for language access support and services.

Get Help In Your Language

Parent's Rights to Language Assistance Services 

Parents have the right to translation and interpretation services if they require or request language assistance in order to communicate effectively with NYC Public School staff in accordance with Chancellor's Regulation A-663. To learn more about parents' rights, visit Parents Bill of Rights.

Helpful Resources

Connect to other NYC Public Schools resources in your language:

Print Me:

You may print and cut out an "I Speak" card, in ten languages, to request language assistance services when communicating with NYC Public School staff.

Multilingual "I Speak" Cards | Arabic | Bangla | Cantonese | French | Haitian Creole | Korean | Mandarin | Russian | Spanish | Urdu

Language Access for NYC Public Schools Families brochures advise families of the availability of language assistance services. Request one at your school!

Language Access for NYCPS Families Brochure

Request Language Services

Families may request language assistance services at the student's school at any time! Ask the parent coordinator, principal, or complete the Translation and Interpretation Services Request Form to request these services.

The NYC Public Schools’ Office of Language Access (OLA) will forward your request to the appropriate school, office or Committee on Special Education (CSE).

The Translation and Interpretation Services Request form is available in the following languages:

Arabic | Bangla | Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional) | English | French | Haitian Creole | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Urdu

Please note language assistance services may vary depending on the type of school the student attends. Families can also call 311 to make a request for language assistance services. Interpretation, over-the-phone, is available in over 200 languages.

New York City Public Schools Staff should log in to the employee-only InfoHub page for language access support and services. 

Request Sign Language Interpretation Services

For sign language interpretation services, please contact the school’s parent coordinator, principal, or the Office of Sign Language Interpreting Services at

Connect With the Office of Language Access

If you or someone you know needs help receiving information or communicating with a school staff member in a language other than English, please contact your school’s parent coordinator, principal, call 311, or visit Contact OLA.

The Contact OLA form is available in the following languages:

Arabic | Bangla | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | English | French | Haitian Creole | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Urdu

New York City Public Schools Staff should log in to the employee-only InfoHub page for language access support and services. 

Share Your Language Services Experience

You may provide feedback on the NYC Public Schools' language assistance services by sharing your experience with the school's parent coordinator, principal, completing the Translation & Interpretation Feedback Survey, or calling 311.

The Translation & Interpretation Feedback Survey is available in the following languages:

Arabic | Bangla | Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional) | English | French | Haitian Creole | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Urdu

New York City Public Schools Staff should log in to the employee-only InfoHub page for language access support and services.

Having Difficulties Obtaining Language Assistance Services?

If you are facing difficulties in obtaining language assistance, we're here to support you! Visit the Get Help or Parent Complaints and Appeals pages for additional resources. You can also submit a claim through the Translation and Interpretation Services Complaint Form. Your claim will be reviewed to ensure you receive the support you need.

The Translation and Interpretation Services Complaint Form is available in the following languages:

Arabic | Bangla | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | English | French | Haitian Creole | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Urdu