Please note that effective immediately (December 3, 2024) that this meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled for the March 2025 PEP Meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the Panel Inbox ( for any support!
This meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 6:00pm (EST) at The High School of Fashion Industries (225 West 24th Street, New York, New York 10011). All documents for this meeting can also be found on the PEP SharePoint and include the following:
Accessing the Meeting and Registering for Public Comment
If you would like to access this meeting remotely, please visit:
Speaker sign-up will run from 5:30PM until 6:15PM on the day of the meeting and is available via the link found here. Speakers may only sign themselves up to speak during the appropriate comment period(s). Each speaker who registers for public comment will be allotted two and a half minutes of speaking time, while each speaker who registers for open comment will be allotted two minutes. If you would like to submit written comment, please complete the Written Public Comment Form.
Interpretation Services
Interpretation services will be provided in Spanish, Mandarin, and Cantonese. If you need interpretation services for other languages, such as American Sign Language (ASL), they will be provided upon request by contacting us at: (212) 374-0226 or
Spanish Conference Line: Dial 646 964 1167 and enter Meeting ID 160 106 0688
Mandarin Conference Line: Dial 646 828 7666 and enter Meeting ID 160 131 6572
Cantonese Conference Line: Dial 646 828 7666 and enter Meeting ID 161 109 1947
Servicios de Interpretación
Habrá servicios de interpretación en español, mandarín y cantonés. Para otros idiomas, incluyendo el lenguaje de señas americano, es necesario solicitar previamente el servicio. Para solicitar servicios, llame al (212) 374-0226 o escriba a
屆時將提供西班牙語、普通話和廣東話的口譯服務。如有人提出要求,將提供其他語言(包括美國手語)的口譯服務。如要求服務,請聯絡我們: (212) 374-0226或寫電郵至