Non-Resident Enrollment

Enrollment for Students Moving to NYC

Students living outside of NYC who intend to become residents for the next school year, and currently have a valid NYC address, may participate in the NYC Public Schools’ admissions process.

  • Students must have established or re-established residency by the time they enroll in NYC Public Schools (i.e., by the first day of the school year).  If a student cannot demonstrate NYC residency—or geographic priority for any priorities they received during admissions —the student may not be entitled to maintain their offer. Families will be expected to follow the requirements set forth in Chancellor’s Regulation A-101 as to proof of residency.
  • Exception: in accordance with state law, students must be living in NYC to pursue admission to the Specialized High Schools.  Students are eligible to take the summer SHSAT or participate in Summer LaGuardia auditions if they have re-established residency by that time. The summer exams/auditions typically take place in August.
  • Please contact one of our admissions teams to participate in the admissions process:
    • Elementary School Admissions -
    • Middle School Admissions -
    • High School Admissions -

If you are moving to New York City and do not yet have a NYC address, enroll your child in a DOE school after you move(Open external link).

Enrollment for Students Permanently Not Living in NYC

If you do not have a NYC address and do not have plans to move to NYC, you may request a placement at a NYC public school, which is subject to tuition payments.

  • Email your request to attend a NYC Public School to one of the following admissions teams, depending on your child's grade:
  • The NYC Public Schools will communicate with school leadership to determine if it is possible to offer your child a seat. If it is, you will receive an offer by email.
  • You will have the option to accept or decline the offer via email.
  • If you accept this offer, the school will work with you on next steps for registering.
  • The Office of Non-Public Schools Payables will also be notified that you will be paying tuition, as detailed in the section above.

Please note that:

  • Your child cannot attend specialized schools, screened schools or programs, Gifted & Talented (G&T) programs, or 3-K and pre-K programs.
  • Your child is not eligible for transportation provided by the DOE.
  • You must pay tuition to attend DOE public schools.
  • The DOE must enroll students who live in NYC before enrolling your child.
  • Read Chancellor’s Regulation A-125 to learn more:

Charter schools have a separate admissions process.

Tuition for Non-Residents

The New York State Education Department sets yearly tuition for students who do not live in NYC, as follows:

  • Kindergarten through Grade 6: Tuition is $5,425 for general education students and $48,392 for special education students.
  • Grades 7 through 12: Tuition is $10,040 for general education students and $53,007 for special education students.

Rates can change at any time.

  • Email Us

    Write anytime with your questions.

  • Call Us

    Call Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm at 718-935-2009.