New York City Public Schools Launches 19th Annual School Survey

  • Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025

All parents, teachers, and students in grades 6 through 12 are encouraged to share feedback. New York City School Survey opens on February 10 and runs through April 4.

NEW YORK – Today, New York City Public Schools launched the 19th annual New York City School Survey, emphasizing its critical role in engaging members of our school communities through meaningful insight into family, student, and educator feedback. The survey is aligned with Chancellor Aviles Ramos’ three commitments of ensuring safety and supporting wellness, strengthening educator support, and family and community empowerment.

 “Building strong connections with families, educators, and communities is at the heart of our mission,” said Chancellor Aviles-Ramos. “Last year, almost nine hundred thousand families, students and educators participated in the survey, and we are excited to hear from this year's respondents. Their voices will inform all our decisions, help strengthen trust with families, and ensure our students receive the high-quality education they deserve. In addition, as a former principal, I know that the New York City School Survey empowers school leaders with the insights they need to make meaningful improvements at the school level. Thank you in advance to every participant for sharing their valuable perspectives.”

The feedback gathered by the New York City School Survey helps school leaders understand what members of their community think about the learning environment in their school and informs improvements to schools and programs. The data is also incorporated into NYCPS’s School Quality Reports, which are designed to give school communities a clear, concise picture of the quality of each school.

The survey is available online in ten languages and is open until April 4 to all families and teachers, as well as students in grades 6 through 12. Families will also receive a hard copy of the survey from their school.

Additionally, this year NYCPS is piloting the New York City School Survey Response Rate Recognition program. Under this pilot program, District schools (1-32 and 75) that achieve an overall response rate of 85% across families, teachers, and students will be eligible to receive the New York City School Survey Response Rate Award on their School Quality Report. This initiative is designed to boost response rates and recognize schools that prioritize receiving actionable feedback from their communities. Families can take the New York City School Survey by going to

  • Parents/Guardians need only their child’s nine-digit Student Identification (OSIS) Number to complete the survey.
  • Parents will enter a lowercase “f” and their child’s nine-digit number as the survey code (e.g., f123456789) to complete their unique survey. 
  • Families can find their student’s ID number on a report card, a student ID card, or in their NYCSA account.
  • Families should reach out to their child’s school if they need support identifying their child’s Student Identification Number.

Families can also take the survey by logging on to their NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal, where they can also see their student’s grades, test scores, and more. 

Results of the survey will be shared with school staff in the summer to support planning for the coming school year.  Results will be released publicly later in the year.